Sunday, January 16, 2011

Zombie Repellent Logo

My friend Stephanie was having a hard time getting her son Nico to go to sleep. His fear- zombies. A totally rational fear for a 6 year old. Her solution? A quick spray around the room with rose water before bedtime. She told Nico it was zombie repellent and he would be safe all night. Worked like a charm. She will be trying to sell it online soon. Here's to sketches and final I worked up.
first sketch- brain and exposed skull "too scary"
second sketch- worms added
final with text

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fu Manchu Poster

Film positives made

Screens exposed

Screens washed out

Black positive taped to paper- all screens will align to this

First ink pulled- flesh tone

Second color- light green

Third color- brown halftone

Fourth color- dark green

Tavi "helps me" by doing some crazy dance

Fifth color- black
 And that's how it goes. Three very cold nights of printing out in the shop, about 1 hour per color. Posters are 25"X17" printed on 100# matte cover stock. Signed and numbered prints go on sale Saturday Jan 22nd here:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Logo Progression

I thought it would be fun to post the series of sketches and revisions that go into a logo. Sometimes a client needs to see some changes to realise that it's right the first time. Sometimes I do too.
first sketch based on phone discussion
clothing added and pose altered
back to original pose, tail added to girl, fire added to an altered DD
corset changed to cocktail dress
final black and white version

airbrushed final version- tattoos added

airbrushed fire with back shadows added- this is the final final

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Stuff 2010

Here's a few things I made for Christmas gifts. My brother is a huge Lebowski fan...much like myself, so I painted this for him. It's called "I need my fucking Johnson, Man."
My take on the Lebowski scissors
There's a painting very similar to this in the background of the art studio scene. It shapes Lebowski's nightmare later in the movie. The director makes sure you notice it, but it's not really in your face. That's why I like it.

There's a commercial on the Disney channel where a girl is wearing a cupcake shirt. My daughter flips out whenever she sees it, so I thought I would make her one. One became 2.  
And finally, the Jelly Belly shirt. I would have just bought one, but the only graphic the company does for little kids is a cartoon jelly bean man that Tavi finds scary. She loves Jelly Bellys so I knew a logo shirt would be a hit. This was an easy 3 color print. Found a vector version of the logo online and broke it apart in about 5 minutes. She can wear it to the factory when we go next month.