Sunday, October 17, 2010

One Dollar T Shirts In 2010

I'm trying to thin out the boxes of shirts and prints in the shop, so here's the plan- buy any 2 prints and get a T shirt of your choice for $1. Men's or Woman's shirts...whatever you like. Holidays are almost here and this could be a fine gift for that special someone. This offer is limited to what I have in stock, and these shirts will not be printed again- at least, not these colors. New designs are in the works (in my head) but I doubt anything will be printed until Jan/Feb.

One Dollar Kent Designs T Shirts

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pacific Coast Pinball Sci-Fi Design

8 color back

Pocket logo
Finished the back a while ago but just got around to doing the front. The alien will probably be a 4 color print? My instructions for this graphic were pretty simple: hot girl, outer space and pinball machine. This is what I came up with. These will be printed on black shirts only, that way the red in the foreground will have a white under base while the red background will be a fine halftone printed directly on the black giving it a darker tone. All the shadows will be pulled at once with a 305 mesh screen, then the black lines and solids on a 230.