We decided a long while back that the new baby would need his own room. The question was where to put my office. There were a few options, but the best was to build a new studio out behind the house. I checked with the county and learned that a structure 120 square feet or less qualifies as an auxiliary building or "shed". This "shed" could be fully insulated, livable and built without permits. I can work within these rules. We pulled up a photo of my lot and Dude told me everything looked good as long as it is 3 feet from the property line.
Just before starting |
Slab by A.C. Bentley Concrete |
Concrete was left alone for about a week |
It was some work, but with Dad's help we got the walls up |
Walls in place |
Roof framed in before being covered with osb |
Roof covered with felt before comp roofing put down |
I didn't photograph a few steps- frame was wrapped with a moisture barrier, window nailed in, siding hung with trim and vents. Now I need to prime and paint before the next rain. If weather looks to be good for a while I will jump right to electrical.
A large cabinet will go on the outside of this wall |
Once the cabinet is finished on the outside wall I will empty out the old metal shed and remove it. I am planning a sandbox for the kids in it's place. I hope to do all this before the summer is over.