Saturday, June 18, 2011

Process of Tonights Show Poster

Here's the break down of the 6 colors used for the Slow Gherkin poster. This was kind of a tough one to design because I had inside knowledge of all the bands history, likes and dislikes. I scrapped 3 designs before I settled on this one. I wanted the image to be kid friendly, have a simple clean text layout, have something to do with Santa Cruz and something to do with us growing older. So dinosaur was pretty obvious. I added the old school head phones just for fun. The building behind the dinosaur is the Santa Cruz town clock. His head covers the face of the clock, but if you are from Santa Cruz then this is an easy one to spot. Show should be sold out and prints can be bought at the show for a reduced price. I will have some prints reserved for my website, those will be for sale as soon as I can get to it.