Sunday, August 29, 2010

Newest Art Prints (Bite Fight)

This box of prints has been moved around my office for months now. It is now time to do something with them. These are leftover prints from the sports themed poster show Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles put on in March 2010. The show was called “The Greatest Moments In Sports History” and the intent was to capture and/or commemorate a great sporting moment. This was weird for me being I don’t follow sports at all. I mean, other than competitive eating that is. First thing I thought of was Tyson biting off Holyfield’s ear.

Lots of ways I could illustrate this but I opted for a subtle route and did a pin-up style ring card girl. This is a 7 color hand pulled screen print on 100# stock. Edition is only 35 signed and numbered pieces. Price is $35 each, postage paid. It is called “Bite Fight”. Only 50 artists were invited to participate in this show and I was quite honored to make the cut. Prints can be ordered on my site.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Final Bad Brains prints are done

Here’s how I spent my last couple evenings.
I haven’t counted how may prints in this edition, but my guess is 75 will be signed and numbered. This wound up being only a 4 color print. My original plan was way more complex but once I saw it with the background in place I realized it had a lot more style as a simple cartoon snake rather than one with several colors and fully shaded. I never do this, but it looked really good, so I scrapped the extra layers and changed the halftones. These are a nice size too- 25”X9.5” inches. The black halftones on the background printed super clean and have now changed my opinion of how halftones should be used. I will probably use them much more now. These will be for sale after the show.
This is the usual stacking method

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Could it get any better than MST3K?

So Tuesday night Colt and I drove up to San Francisco to see Cinematic Titanic. This is basically an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 done live in front of about 2000 crazed fans in the Castro theater.
If you don't know anything about SF, let me bring you up to speed...The "Castro" area of San Francisco is quite possibly the gayest area in the world. I'm talkin 2-for-1 cockrings gay. Parking is a nightmare, short shorts are in, skull and cross cocks carved into the sidewalk in front of the theater. That being said- awesome night. I've been a fan of MST3K since I was in a Junior in High School and it was a real treat to see Joel and TV's Frank work their magic live. The movie was "War Of The Insects", a Japanese B-movie that did not disapoint. If you get a chance to go...GO!
The 3 Amigos jumbo pastor on the way back to SC wasn't too bad either. Love that place.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Opening Post/ Bad Brains Gig Poster

Well, here it is. The first post in my first ever blog. Still not to sure what a blog is, but I guess I'll figure it out as I go. Just got the thumbs up for a Bad Brains poster. One of my favorite bands EVER! I'm pretty excited about it. Sketch is simple...we'll see how close I stick to it.

These will print on 25" X 9.5" stock that was cut special for me by the guys at Sentinal Printers in Santa Cruz. While the paper was being cut, we talked about doing an offset print/ screen print team up. Sounds like a good thing to me.