I was really in a so-so mood until I looked in the liquor cabinet. I was expecting to mix up a vodka something or other, but found that my mother-in-law left me a bottle of Jim Beam! Oh man, do I feel better now. Beam and Coke wins every time.
The second most exciting thing going is Laundry-Bot 5000. Laundry-Bot was delivered yesterday and has brightened our lives already. Let me give you a little back story:

5 or 6 years ago we bought a crappy washer and dryer when we moved to Aptos. The woman moving out of the house we were moving into was one of Melody’s co-workers, and if memory serves me correctly, she was moving to Mexico. She needs to sell, we need to buy, the machines are already in place…you get the picture. These junky machines work surprisingly well for about 3 years. Then clothes start getting burns on them in the dryer. We get it repaired but it happens again 6 months later. We buy the house we are in now and another crappy washer and dryer are already in the garage. We’ll call these set B. These suck less than our other ones (but not much) so we keep them. I wheel crappy set A to the curb where they are taken in literally 20 minutes. A couple weeks ago the timer gives out so the dryer won’t shut off by itself. I try to talk Melody down, but it’s no use. The first day we have off together without the kid becomes appliance shopping day. You can see who won that battle. This new rig has a stackable Voltron-like ability that opens up a couple more feet in the shop. As far as space goes, things are getting better and better out there. The hot water heater was originally right where Laundry-Bot stands now, with the old side by side units to the left of it. My father-in-law Vince owns McDonald Plumbing in Sacramento. He moved that hot water heater to the right corner and had it all strapped, plumbed and vented in like less than 2 hours. Amazing. Side note: Now, whenever he comes to visit us for a weekend trip the first question he asks us is “what tools do I need to bring?” It’s usually a long list. Next project: move that fluorescent light on the wall to the ceiling where it belongs.